With around 60 employees, the company has the task of bundling all key issues like Human Resourced, IT and Finance across the individual locations.
Business: Administration, Management
All companies in the Fritzmeier Group have flat hierarchies. We communicate as peers.
Join us! We offer you an innovative environment and room for your personal and professional development.
What kind of people are right for us? People who enjoy their jobs, have a desire to improve their skills and their workplace, want to make a difference, and have a hands-on approach.
With around 60 employees, the company has the task of bundling all key issues like Human Resourced, IT and Finance across the individual locations.
Business: Administration, Management
As part of the Fritzmeier Cabin Group with approximately 300 people the company produces cabs for forklifts, construction and agricultural vehicles. The Cab Group has locations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Austria and Belgium.
Industry: Machinery, suppliers, lightweight construction
With the headquartes in Bruckmühl-Hinrichssegen and the other locations in Heufeldmühle, Weyarn, Wörth am Rhein and Hohenossig near Leipzig, the company supplies the automotive and utility vehicle industries. It employs some 650 staff.
Industry: Plastics, lightweight construction
Based in Grosshelfendorf with its 80 employees the company makes tools for presses, special machines and cubings for the automotive industry.
Industry: Special machinery, tool and mould making
Headquartered in Grosshelfendorf and with 30 employees, the company develops innovative ideas in fields including precision farming.
Industry: Environmental and agricultural technology
With its 10 employees the company develops, designs and builds Pedelecs and S-Pedelecs in Weyarn.
Industry: Sport & leisure